Walk in My Shoes
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#1 Diabetic Foot Tip

Tips on Tuesdays

There are many concerns having to do with feet when you are diabetic.  The reduced blood flow/circulation in your feet minimizes your ability to have sensation and severely limits your bodies ability to heal even the most minor of foot injuries like a small cut or little abraision.

Soooo--The most important thing for you to do is be PROACTIVE AND EXAMINE YOUR FEET DAILY!!!

It is so important to look over your feet carefully.  Also, use a hand mirror to make sure you can clearly see the surface of your soles.  Catch any little thing early, add extra care and you will avoid a dealing with terrible infections or worse--amputation.  I am not usually prone to "scare tactics" but I have seen my share of sad diabetic foot cases that could have been easily avoided by simply taking a look at ones feet daily.

Remember...Maintenance is always cheaper and less painful than repair--in every facet of your life and certainly your feet!


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