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Wolky Guild? Review


FlashBack Friday

Yes, I bought three pairs of these Wolky sandals within the blink of an eye. Sometimes you just “know” when your sole has met its' mate. Wolky means cloud-like and that is what it is like to walk around in these sandals. The tops are so cute you barely notice the thick soles that cushion your every step. I can't believe Wolky doesn't make this sandal anymore. I have had them for over 10 years and still get compliments on them. (Remember, my shoes only last this long because I have so many pairs, rotate through them and take care of them.)

I am embarrassed to say that I cannot remember the style name of one of my most beloved pair of shoes. The sandal that Wolky made as a follow up was called the Guild which added adjustment at the fore-foot. I am offering ten gold stars to the shoe geek who can tell me the original style name. I searched the depths of the internet hunting for my shoes only to be assured there are not any left on the market to be bought at any price. Thus, even though I have three pairs, I cannot share them and will be sure to coddle them. The red pair are my favorite. I wear the black pair the most. The navy blue pair (I know it is difficult to tell that one of these pairs is navy blue from the photo) are the ones I will miss the most as finding navy blue shoes in just the right shade, shape and size is really tricky. I should have bought two in navy like I did in the red. I even bought my second pair of red ones in the next size up so they will fit as my feet change over the years...yes your feet get longer and/or wider over the course of your life.

I am glad I could share one of my all-time favorite shoes with you and would love to find out about “the pair you love most”. Send me a picture/story so that your favorite shoe will live on forever in the pages of this blog.

Fitting Notes: European sizing. The fore-foot of the sandal fits quite shallow making this shoe an ideal fit for those folks with low volume or narrow feet. The Guild was made to “remedy” this low volume cut to allow for more shapes of feet to fit but gave up the sandal's elegance to do it. The enclosed heel cup does accommodate thin ¾ length orthoses though the footbed is not removable. This model runs slightly long.


Reader Comments (1)

Hello Sole-sister, They are both Guild. My red, lovely brick red, Guilds were the shoe of my life.
How can they not give them to us? Let's send them letters. I preferred the first Guild. So comfortable, sexy, not a bit matronly. Best to you, Margo in Bellingham Wa. USA
July 10, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMargo Margolis

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